Holidays, party

October Halloween Party Pack

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Celebrating the holidays, crafting with my kids and finding little ways to make the ordinary days feel special is what I live for. The connection with my family and friends that comes from all of the preparation makes it worth it a thousand times over. I have been working on something that will help you to bring that connection to your family the same way, but with half the work. I’m so excited to introduce you to the…

Monthly Party Pack

Each month you will receive a pdf full of ways for you to connect with your friends and family. Every Party Pack will include the following:

  • 1 printable party including decorations, games/activites, party favors, and more.
  • Activities for kids that may include a variety of coloring pages, projects to print, cut and glue together. Ideas of games or projects they can create to go along with the monthly theme using things around the house and more.
  • Tags, gift boxes and more to print and give to others to brighten their day!
  • Printable Calendar with a list of activities you can do with your family each month and a place to pencil them in wherever you have free time.

Let’s get started with what you’ll find in this month’s Party Pack.

Monster Movie Night Party

monster movie nightThese brightly-colored, friendly monsters are perfect for the whole family to enjoy a Halloween movie together. Add the colorful friends to popcorn bags, boxes of candy and soda cans. Put them all in a little tray with a cup holder to carry and keep each person’s snacks together.

I decided to do something a little extra and find boxes of candy to match the colors of the monsters. Turns out there is a ton of candy at the store and it wasn’t very hard to find one for every color. Haha!

Just like with the candy, you could also find soda cans or bottles to match the colors of the wrappers. I didn’t do that this time, but it would be so cute to have these monster wrappers on glass bottles with the different colors of soda showing through the neck of the bottle. If you try it, I would love to see.

Candy Corn Treat Boxes

These are the easiest treat boxes you will ever put together which makes it easy to whip up a bunch for your family, neighbors, friends or classmates. There are two sizes included in the party pack. A tiny size (pictured above) that is perfect for two starburst or small candies in similar size, and the large size that can hold twice as much. Click the video below to see a quick tutorial on how to make the candy corn treat boxes.

Bonus! Spooky Spa Party

You guys are going to love this party. There are so many variations you can do to make it your own. This would also be fun for your teens to host a kids day camp for the Spooky Spa party to pamper some little ones and earn some money. All the details are in the video below and you can see some fun bath bombs and other spooky spa goodies I gathered on Amazon.

Activities for Kids + Calendar

In addition to everything above, there are few more activities in the party pack including a printable for kids to sketch out some designs for their pumpkins before they paint or carve them.  After they can cut the pumpkins out and use them to string together and make a garland or use as props for the song 5 Little Pumpkins.

There are also some mask templates you can print out for your family to design their own Halloween masks. You can simply color and cut them out, or get creative and add glitter, feathers, horns, or anything else to complete your haunted creation.

The Calendar is one of my favorite parts of the Party Pack. It may not seem as exciting as everything else, but it is how I am able to do so many activities with my kids. By scheduling and planning out when to do different activities in our free time, I am able to create so many more meaningful times together as a family having fun. I have given you a few activity ideas on the calendar to get you started.

In addition to the videos above, I have provided a few links below to help you get started. I can’t wait to begin creating these fun memories with all of you!


Click here to purchase the Monster Movie Night Party Pack

Some of my favorite Halloween party goods to go along with your Party Pack this month.

Paper Crafts Supplies